Managing Director Seth Holmes presenting a copy of the winner’s certificate to Honourable Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry – Hon. Deputy Minister Lucia Lipumbu. Seth Holmes, Willem Amutenya. Diina V. Nashidengo (Deputy Director)

Deputy Executive Director of Agriculture Ms Ester N. Kaapanda, Seth Holmes (MD Desert Fruit), Honourable Minister of Agricultre – Hon. Minister Alpheus G !Naruseb, Deputy Minister of Agriculture – Hon Depty Minister Anna Shiwenda, Mrs Karoline Hendricks (Desert Fruit Management)

Managing Director Seth Holmes presenting a copy of the winner’s certificate to Honourable Governor of the !kharas Proivince – Hon Lucia Basson

Managing Director Seth Holmes presenting a copy of the winner’s certificate to Honourable Deputy Minister of Labour and Industrial Relations – Hon. Deputy Minister Tommy Nambahu. Seth Holmes, Willem Amutenya
Presentation of the Khalifa Awards to the Hon Minister of Agriculture, Hon Minister !Narused
Reception Speech written for Hon Minister !Naruseb
6 May 2018
Good Morning my fellow Namibians, today we are gathered to observe the reception of the Winners Certificate as presented to Desert Fruit by the Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation.
This is an important Award for Desert Fruit and Namibia. The Khailfa Awards are effectively the highest body of International Date Agricultural Accreditation and Acknowledgement. The President of the UAE The Honorable President, Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan is the patron of the awards. Desert Fruit are the joint Winners in the category of Pioneering Development and Production together with one of the largest Date farms in the world, SAHAM Agricultural Project from Morocco
This is a great reflection on the country of Namibia, Desert Fruit is a Business progeny of Namibia. Built on the achievements and inspiration NDC Green scheme project at Naute in Keetmanshoop. These Businesses as initiated by the Government of Namibia and the NDC, championed by the Ministry of Agriculture have paved the way for the success of Desert Fruit.
Desert Fruit is being recognized for building on these fore runners and elevating their product, farming methods and business to a truly international standard, and now the highest international standard. Besides being this awards shared with us here today, as bestowed on Desert Fruit, the greater lesson is that, we as a Country of Namibia can compete in the global economic amphitheater. Our Agricultural industry is capable of leading the country in producing Jobs, bringing valuable Foreign Exchange and assisting in the growth of the Economy. Recently we have seen Meatco deliver a massive order to the republic of China, and Desert Fruit will deliver over 16 containers by year end to the international markets of Europe, Middle East and Far East. While at the same time employing 300 people on a permanent basis. These businesses and others who continue to strive for business and agricultural excellence, are the Agri-Businesses’ that keep the wheels of our Economy turning.
The Date Industry in Namibia has a number of contributing farms, and these are just the initiators of what should be a blossoming industry in Namibia. We are perfectly set in Namibia to take advantage of the good soils, sunshine, and water available through our irrigation schemes to push this industry even further. Being in the Southern Hemisphere allows us to supply the large markets in the Northern Hemisphere with what would normally be out of season fruit. This is a competitive advantage that must be explored.
I wish to commend Desert Fruit for their commitment to, their People, their Business and their strive for excellence. It is not easy to continuously keep pushing to achieve, it takes dedication, energy and continual reflection and growth. We thank Desert Fruit for representing Namibia with pride, and being a committed Namibian Business Citizen.
Welcoming Remarks by Esther Kaapanda, Ded:DPMA at the presentation of the Khalifa Date Palm Award that was awarded to Desert Fruit
Good Morning Hon. Ministers, Colleagues and Distinguished Guests
Allow me to foremost welcome Hon. Alpheus G !Naruseb, Minister of MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, WATER AND FORESTRY; Hon. Anna Shiwenda, Deputy Minister of MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, WATER AND FORESTRY; Mr Percy W. Misika, ED of MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, WATER AND FORESTRY; Mr Seth Holmes Managing Director of Desert Fruit and his delegation; Colleagues from MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, WATER AND FORESTRY and esteemed members of the media present, for finding time to be present at this important event.
The purpose of this event is to witness the presentation of a certificate that was awarded to Desert Fruit as a winner of the “Khalifa Date Palm Award” in Dubai in March 2019. The Award was won and presented to Desert Fruit in recognition of their prominent attributes of success and competitiveness amongst others in the production of premium Dates. The dates are predominantly marketed and exported to international markets, such as the United Arab Emirates, in addition to our local domestic market.
Ladies and Gentlemen, kindly allow me to share with your that the Hon. Minister of MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, WATER AND FORESTRY has had the opportunity of visiting Desert Fruit Farm in the !Kharas region and his last visit to the farm was in February 2019. From these visits it can be attested that Desert Fruit is indeed a most deserving award recipient for the Khalifa Palm Award for inter alia, their professionalism, competencies and their ability of applying with efficiency international standards in the production of Dates. Hence the Award and recognition that they have been accorded and that we are all witnessing today. This award is achieved through excellence hard work, exceptional business sense, intelligence, superlative ideas and experience, especially in date production.
Taking into account that you will be appraised further by our distinguished speakers at this event, kindly allow me to state that by winning this international award, Desert Fruit has amongst others, enhanced and promoted the reputation of Namibia in terms of predicting some of the premium Agricultural products.
In conclusion, on Behalf of the MWAF family, we are indeed pleased and honoured for all your presence, feel welcome at home and please enjoy the event
I thank you all.
Deputy Executive Director: Ester N. Kaapanda